Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Spread Number One

Today, the first spread was created. I think it looks really good. But, that's not really what I feel like talking about today. What Mr.Priest was talking about really struck me. Coming from a house where I was raised by a journalist of 20 years I think about the media and journalism a lot. It makes me very sad and extremely concerned for my generation that 50% of people my age think the first amendment goes to far. Like, WHAT? Who are we? I'm sitting here thinking where the hell is this country going? Have we forgotten our duty as citizens, or worst have the media forgotten their duty to inform the masses? We need to be re-engaged. We need to see what we're missing, looking over, forgetting, and take action to bring it to the forefront. The fact that newspapers are being taken over by huge conglomerates makes me sick. Just like health care, here is another field that is being taken over by companies chomping at the bit to make money. News is not a money maker. News is what keeps us free. And the citizens of the United States just sit back and watch as it happens. But then, I'm reminded of the power of the people. (As cliché as it sounds. ) When I see the seeds of change planted in people my age, hope fills my head. On election day last week, I went to the grocery store. I was proudly displaying my Obama campaign button and my "I voted" sticker. Like most grocery stores, the check out clerk and the bagging boy were both teenagers. They looked a little scruffy, but they both had the sticker I was wearing. And better yet they started talking about election day to me and my mom. It was like a revitalization of my hope. People are excited! They're talking about politics, thinking about it, and most of all seeing that it really does have a huge effect on their individual life. I feel the same way about news and politics. Both are essential things, and without one, the other fails. As citizens of the most powerful country in the world, with the best framework for a government ever created, we have a responsibility to be involved in our world.

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